DCOS Annual Report: A Year of Growth and Community Impact



As we reflect on the past year, it's with great pride and excitement that we share the remarkable strides made by the Development Corporation of Snyder (DCOS) in fulfilling our mission of "Elevating and expanding our community for the promise of future generations." Our vision to enhance the invaluable resources of our community and usher in long-lasting financial growth and opportunities has been the driving force behind our achievements. 

Capital Investment: Planting Seeds for Future Prosperity

One of the most significant indicators of our success has been the substantial growth in capital investment. Through strategic partnerships forged over the last two years, DCOS has injected more than $5 million into the Snyder community, with an impressive $2.9 million coming in 2024 alone. This influx of capital is not just a number on a balance sheet; it represents real, tangible progress for our community. Even more exciting is the ripple effect of this investment – for every dollar invested by DCOS, we've seen an average community impact of $8, demonstrating the exponential benefits of our strategic approach.

 New Businesses: Expanding Horizons and Creating Opportunities

This year, DCOS has been at the forefront of attracting new businesses to our community, spearheading three large projects that promise to reshape our economic landscape. The crown jewel of these efforts is the new location for Plastic Welding & Fabrication. This project alone represents a $1.5 million capital investment and is set to create at least 25 new full-time jobs within the first three years, with a minimum annual payroll of $750,000. 

But that's not all – the expansion of Rollin' Alley and the opening of ROE Services' headquarters further underscore our commitment to diversifying and strengthening Snyder's economic base. These projects are not just about numbers; they're about creating opportunities for our residents and building a more resilient local economy.

Local Business Retention: Nurturing Our Economic Ecosystem

While attracting new businesses is crucial, we haven't forgotten the importance of supporting our existing local businesses. The Economic Improvement Initiative, led by DCOS, has been a catalyst for an impressive surge of development across Snyder. With 23 diverse projects in progress, ranging from new construction to building renovations, we're witnessing a transformation of our local landscape.

DCOS has strategically invested more than $380,000 in this initiative, which, combined with property owners' contributions in a 75/25 match, has resulted in over $500,000 worth of improvements. This collaborative effort between DCOS and local property owners demonstrates our shared commitment to Snyder's future and the power of community partnership.

The Numbers Speak Volumes

The impact of our efforts is clear in the numbers:

- $2.9 million in initial capital investment made in Snyder through DCOS partnerships

- $1.2 million increase in annual wages

- $389,000 invested in Snyder properties through the Economic Improvement Initiative

- A total job impact of 83, including direct, indirect, and induced employment

- 134 jobs retained through performance agreements tied to funding requirements

Looking Ahead

As we celebrate these achievements, we're also looking ahead with renewed enthusiasm. The success of the past year has laid a solid foundation for future growth and development. Our commitment to Snyder's prosperity remains unwavering, and we're excited about the opportunities that lie ahead.

We invite our community members, partners, and stakeholders to join us in this journey of growth and transformation. Together, we're not just building businesses; we're building a brighter, more prosperous future for Snyder and for generations to come.

Thank you for your continued support and trust in DCOS. Here's to another year of elevating our community and expanding opportunities for all!


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