DCOS Partners
City of Snyder
Snyder, Texas is invested in offering residents and businesses an unmatched quality of life. If you have questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out to the appropriate contact listed below.
Contacts for the city of Snyder:
- Stephanie Ducheneaux, Mayor, ducheneaux88@gmail.com
- Eli Torres, City Manager, etorres@ci.snyder.tx.us
- Vernon Clay, District 1 Council, vjclay47@gmail.com
- Jerry Webb, District 2 Council, jwebb@ci.snyder.tx.us
- Jeffrey Levens, District 3 Council, jlevens@ci.snyder.tx.us
- Thomas Strayhorn, District 4 Council, tstrayhorn@ci.snyder.tx.us
- Zach Rollins, Director of Planning & Zoning, zrollins@ci.snyder.tx.us
- Sarah Jamison, At Large Council, sjamison@ci.snyder.tx.us
- Carson Matthies, At Large Council, cmatthies@ci.snyder.tx.us
Scurry County
Snyder, Texas is located in Scurry County where city and county commissioners alike are invested in offering residents and businesses an unmatched quality of life. If you have questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out to the appropriate contact listed below.
Contacts for Scurry County:
- Dan Hicks, Scurry County Judge, scjudge@co.scurry.tx.us
- Terry Williams, Scurry County Commissioner Precinct 1, sccomm1@co.scurry.tx.us
- Doug Scott, Scurry County Commissioner Precinct 2, sccomm2@co.scurry.tx.us
- Shawn McCowen, Scurry County Commissioner Precinct 3, sccomm3@co.scurry.tx.us
- Jeff Mitchell, Scurry County Commissioner Precinct 4, sccomm4@co.scurry.tx.us
Appraisal District Scurry County
Contacts for Appraisal District Scurry County:
- Jackie Martin, Chief Appraiser, jmartin@scurrytex.com
- Ralph Anders, Deputy Chief / Senior Appraiser, randers@scurrytex.com
- Beverly Silen, Senior Appraiser, bsilen@scurrytex.com
- Dalinda Roberts, Business Mgr / ARB Coordinator, droberts@scurrytex.com
- Yolanda Rosas, Mapping Coordinator / Deeds & Maps, yrosas@scurrytex.com
- Sandi Price, Appraiser, sprice@scurrytex.com
- Emily Valenzuela, Appraiser, emilyv@scurrytex.com
- Samantha Burt, Records Clerk / Homestead & Agricultural Val. Forms / General Information, samb@scurrytex.com
- Cindy Williams, Appraiser, cindyw@scurrytex.com
- Karri Brunson, Records Clerk / Homestead & Agricultural Val. Forms / General Information, kbrunson@scurrytex.com
General office email