Recap 2023: Celebrating Milestones and Impactful Partnerships



As we Celebrate the new year, the DCOS extends our deepest gratitude for your unwavering support. In 2023, the DCOS’ collaborative efforts resulted in 3 projects choosing Snyder for expansion, new business ventures, or relocation. This has led to over $2.8Million of total capital investment committed to the community. The ripple effect has been substantial-$8 committed back to our community for every $1 invested by the DCOS.

Most notably, we supported the new construction of HTeaO, a popular regional tea shop, in establishing their location in Snyder. This included infrastructure mediation to accelerate their opening by several months as well as ongoing guidance for navigating city processes and requirements. The new HTeaO represents a capital investment into our community by existing local business owners and more full-time jobs. The visually appealing new construction also enhances South College Avenue.

Beyond HTeaO, our Economic Improvement Initiative enabled 23 property owners to access over $389K in funding for a total of $570K projects for exterior upgrades like signage, painting, lighting and landscaping. Collectively, these projects will significantly improve Snyder's aesthetic appeal and vitality. We're grateful for the enthusiasm from local businesses and their creative visions to beautify our community.

Additionally, local businesses have thrived with 132 participants in Lunch and Learns, 13 entrepreneurs assisted with business plans, and 82 Business Retention and Expansion (BRE) visits uncovering the needs of our local business owners. This collective effort has strengthened Snyder’s economic landscape. The DCOS is making a lasting impact on Snyder’s prosperity. The projected annual sales of $5.5 million, $520,000 in added annual wages, and over $3.8 million in total economic benefits validate the positive transformation underway.

As we embark on 2024, we carry this collaborative spirit forward. Your support has been instrumental in our success, propelling substantial capital investment, job creation, and small business assistance.

Key metrics include:

● 3 major partnerships driving $2.8M capital investment
● $8 community impact for every $1 invested by DCOS
● 23 property owners received $570k in grants for improvement projects
● $5.5M projected increase in annual sales
● $520k expected growth in annual wages
● New build construction
● Ongoing small business support programs to drive commerce

With appreciation for all that we accomplished together in 2023, the DCOS looks to further accelerate Snyder's economic vitality in the year ahead. Our core focuses on job creation, workforce development, and community support will continue driving meaningful outcomes.

We hope you'll continue this journey with us into 2024. Your collaboration and support have been instrumental in our shared success. As we carry this momentum forward, the future remains bright for Snyder.


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